Education Day – 2nd April 2011

On Sabbath 2nd April, Hyland House School took the program at Holloway Church for Education Day. Hearts were melted and smiles were wide as the students took part. Acts included choruses from their praise team and choir, poems and sermonettes. Their theme “Every Child Matters” was shown in every performance for the day. Holloway Church was well attended from supporting families and friends of the students and members of Holloway were impressed from the program and were eager to learn more about the school. The Hyland House Praise Team opened the service with rowdy choruses with Mrs Abbequaye, the Head teacher, opened the program with the invocation. The Education leader of Holloway church welcomed one and all to the program and welcomed all the visitors to lunch. Both teachers and students took part in the program and then sermonettes were rendered by students, Tyreeka Williams, Samara Williams, Tia Maria Fuller, Jared Samuel-Adams and Jordan Abbequaye. After a hardy lunch provided by the Holloway education department, the afternoon program commenced and still upheld the quality of the morning program. Special items included solos, instrumentals and a presentation of the school. Members of the church were very impressed and said that they should come back again. The Holloway Church would like to thank both staff and students who took part and ask for all your prayers for the school.

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