Haven Cafe

About the Cafe
The Haven Cafe is a community that was set up in 2015. We are funded by charitable contributions and run entirely by volunteers.

What we offer
All services are free of charge and open to all.

Services include:
-Neck and shoulder massages
-Health checks and advice from qualified practitioners
-Hot and cold drinks and snacks
-English reading and writing classes
-CV support
-Advice on housing
-Free clothing 
-Listening ears

You are also welcome to come just to sit and relax.

*If we can not provide the service you require straight away we will aim to arrange a mutually convenient time on another Wednesday.

Opening Times
Every Wednesday 12pm – 4pm
(Lunch served from approximately 1.30)

We welcome contributions of items such as clothing, food items or funds to keep the cafe up and running. If you would like to contribute please contact us

Volunteer a Service
If you have a service you would like to offer on a donation basis or would like to support in some way, please contact us we would love to hear from you.