Building Faith Through Prayer

Imagine waking up after a good night sleep. You keep your eyes closed trying to stay that little bit longer in bed. You move your head to the side and suddenly you feel something move down on your face.  Horrified, you sit up and frantically smack your face thinking it may be an insect. You look at your hand and see it is oil. You look up and see your mother praying over you with oil in her hand. She has just anointed me and prayed over me while I slept.

This was the type of woman that spoke to us on International Woman Day of Prayer on Sabbath 2nd March 2013.  Andrea Philip, leader of the Holloways Women’s Ministries Department, reminded us that Faith and Prayer work together to encourage that relationship with God. Holloway Church united with a prayer session and we were encouraged to build that connection with God by building faith through prayer and spending time in God’s Word. Sis Philip told us not to give up when we do not receive the answer we want from God. Everything happens in God’s time and not ours.

Before the sermon, Holloway was praising God through song and reflecting on his goodness in Prayer. It was a blessed Sabbath and we would like to encourage you to have a closer relationship with God through prayer and reading the Bible.

God Bless

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