You are a Rock

You’re a rock climber. You’re climbing Mount Everest. It’s not easy, your fingers and toes are freezing so you can barely feel them. You’re sweating as you’re walking or rather marching as fast as you can trying to get to the top as soon as possible. The ground is not steady; at any moment in time you can slip and fall or maybe even injure yourself so you’re trying to be as careful as you can. You look back and see where you have come from; you look forward and though you know you have gone so far you can’t turn back. There still seems as if there’s a large distance to go. You’re closer than you’ve ever been before but yet still far from your goal. However you stop. There’s a problem. There are no foot holes! Where do you walk? If you take a step forward you may slip and fall, and end up close to the bottom where you were before, thus further away from your goal. So, to keep moving there are three options: 1.To try and walk around the mountain to the other side and then start climbing up. 2. To dig a hole through the mountain enabling you to crawl through not being able to see which direction you’re going in or exactly where you are. 3.The very last option which is to take a leap of faith and carry on climbing up the mountain. In life we always reach problems. We don’t know which way to go and we see different options, but God always has a plan for each situation. It may be to continue climbing up the mountain even though you may think that by doing that there’s a great chance in which you may fall but by taking that blind leap of faith and trusting in God completely it will build your relationship with Him. You can also crawl through the mountain, a humbling situation which knocks you straight down to your knees; the perfect position to pray allowing God to take full control and at the end of the situation you are able to acknowledge or personally experience his strength and power. Or, you may have to take the long way around and have to go around the mountain so you completely avoid the issue as God knows you’re not ready for the trial so He’s protecting you. In all three options, God is there. God is watching over our every move and knows what He’s doing whatever route He takes you in, because at the end of the day He has a plan so His tom tom has an end destination which is Heaven. In whatever you’ve been through this year or whatever you’re going through now, just remember that God has not forgotten about you. He’s at the top of the mountain awaiting your arrival.

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